Sometimes voicemail forwarding doesn't activate correctly on iPhone, even when your phone says it has.
For a number of iOS users, conditional call forwarding may not be activated correctly even though your device reports that call forwarding settings were changed successfully.
Follow the steps below, or watch the video below.
When you set up your VXT Voicemail App, the app will ask you to call *004*VXTNUMBER#.
Calling this code tells your mobile service provider to forward all of your missed calls to our phone number.
Understandably, most people are not used to call forwarding codes so this can be a pretty confusing step.
For a number of iOS users, conditional call forwarding may not be activated correctly even though your device reports that call forwarding settings were changed successfully. Sometimes this means that none of your voicemail will come through VXT and they continue to go to your inbox with your mobile service provider. For other users, some messages will come through VXT and others through their traditional inbox.
Our best guess is that this is caused by an incompatibility between certain iOS devices and mobile service providers. We think this is the case because this issue only occurs on iOS devices and occurs very often on any mobile networks run or originally built by the Vodafone Group, including but not limited to Vodafone Australia, and One NZ.
What you'll need:
- Your iPhone (that is experiencing the issue).
- An Android device (not an iPhone). Ask a friend or a family member to borrow their's - it should only take a few minutes!

Step 1: Remove the SIM card from the iOS (iPhone) device having the problem and put it into the other (Android) phone.

Step 2: Ring the call forwarding number from the Android device.
Vxt users in New Zealand:
For iPhone users who are trying to set up Vxt Voicemail in New Zealand, please call the following number as per the instructions below.
Calling this code tells your mobile service provider to forward all of your missed calls to the Vxt phone number, +64 3 930 8026.
Everyone else in the world:
If you are not a Vxt customer, and you are not in New Zealand, simply replace the digits following "+" with the number you would like to forward your calls to.
e.g. *004*+[insert number here]#
Calling this code tells your mobile service provider to forward all of your missed calls to the number you specified.

Once you have called the number, you should see a message informing you that call forwarding has been activated on your SIM card.

Step 3: Put the SIM card back into your iPhone.

Step 4: Try leaving yourself a test voicemail.
Or if you are not a Vxt user, try calling your number from another phone and check that the call is forwarded correctly.

Step 5: If it worked, celebrate! If not, email us at and we'll do our best to help.
Please note: This solution may not work on every device. If it doesn't work for you, double-check you performed each step correctly and if you're confident you have, but it still hasn't worked, please reach out.