Download VXT on mobile and desktop

This article will show you how to download and install the VXT apps on your desktop computer and mobile phone.


Whenever you're logging in to VXT on a new device, make sure to use the same login method that you used to create your account. So if you created your account, using Microsoft to log in, you'll need to use Microsoft to log in again on the new device, or you might accidentally create another account which won't have any of your information in it.

Download VXT from our website. 

Installing VXT on your laptop or desktop computer

Alternatively, if you are logged into the web application navigate to the top right-hand corner and click on the account menu. In the account menu click on 'Download VXT Deskop'.

Once you have installed the desktop app, sign in to your account. 

Installing the mobile application

On your mobile phone, locate the App Store, search for VXT, and download the application.

Once you have installed the mobile application sign in to your account.